Parents and Citizens
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The Parents and Citizens (P&C) association is involved in providing additional facilities and a variety of school activities from policy to financial planning as well as uniforms, fundraising activities and school functions.
The aim of the P&C Association is to take an active role in the development of the school. This includes input into the setting of priorities and the identification of focus areas. To enhance the educational provision, the P&C Association raises funds to support the school budget. This value adding helps make our school a great school.
The P&C association meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 2pm(see dates and times below), in the Administration Office. An invitation is extended to all parents and citizens associated with Kuraby State School to attend these meetings. Your participation will not only help the school, but will also keep you informed of what is happening at the school and allow you to express your thoughts on these activities and plans.
P&C Executive Committee 2024
President: Fathima Adat
Secretary: Jenny Gribbin
Treasurer: Sumaiyya Kadwa
Uniform Shop Convenors: Jenny Gribbin, Ashleigh Sorrensen
Focus areas -
to foster general community interest in educational matters;
to endeavour to bring about closer co-operation between the parents of students attending the school, other members of the community and staff and students of the school;
to provide advice and recommendations to the Principal of the school on issues and concerns in respect of students and the general operation and management of the school;
to provide or assist in the provision of financial or other resources or services for the benefit of the students of the school;
to participate in any committee or other body comprising members of the school and wider community, which will contribute to the general benefit of students attending the school;
to perform any other functions as the Minister may determine.
Meeting Dates -2025 - Wednesdays 2 - 3pm
· 19th March - AGM
More information
A copy of the P&C Constitution is available, on request, from the Office.
A copy of the minutes of meetings is available, on request, from the Office.
View Education Queensland's P&C association information.